一路黔行,邂逅多彩贵州。10月20日至26日, 2024“机遇中国·亚太媒体看贵州”主题探访活动在贵州举办,20名亚太区域主流媒体记者将深入黔东南、毕节、贵阳贵安等地,通过思想的碰撞与交流,增进互知互信、凝聚共识。
How does monkeys and pandas in Qianling Mountain look like?
On October 22, 20 journalists from Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region came to Qianlingshan Park in Guiyang to embrace beauty of nature, and explore the meaning of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.
“If I was the foreign tourists who came to visit Guizhou, I would choose it as the first place to come.”Sek Odom, the journalist of Bayon TV, thought that this park provides a place for tourists to have a view of the whole city of Guiyang.
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部分视频素材来源 云岩区融媒体中心