文化中国行·屯堡印记|穿在身上的乡愁 Nostalgia Worn on the
来源:贵州日报天眼新闻    发布日期:2025年01月03日


"There's a loop on the head, a bump at the back, two dangling ornaments on the ears, two lines on the arms, a broom at the waist, and two pointy shoes on the feet."This folk rhyme vividly summarizes the characteristics of Fengyang Hanfu.


Fengyang Hanfu refers to the traditional clothing worn by the women of the Tunpucommunity in Anshun, Guizhou. It inherits the style ofthe clothing of womenfrom Han ethnic group in early Ming Dynasty, characterized by long robes, wide sleeves, and large collarsin blue color, with colorfulembroidery at the cuffsandcollars. At the waist, there is a blackapron, a colorful belt over two meters long, and a wide black beltwith both ends looking like the pony tail.


In addition, the "head and toe"of Fengyang Hanfuare also quite noteworthy. Married women in Tunpu style their hair into three strands, forming a bun at the back of their head, covered with a hair net made from horsehair, and adorned with jade or silver hairpins,then wrapped with a fabric strip. Since ancient times, womenin Tunpu have never bound their feet. They wrap their calves with fabrics, which are white on the inside and blackon the outside.Andthey wear embroideredpointyshoes resembling eagle beaks.


From Jiangnan to the southwest, the attire of womenin Tunpuhas a deep historical connection withthe Hanfu ofMing Dynasty, reflecting the enduring nostalgia of the peoplein Tunpu.


Today, if you walk through the villagesin Anshun, you still cansee women wearing traditional clothing. However, the clothing once designed for the plains, hasbeen "mountainized"to suit the new environment and lifestyle. Long skirtshaveturned into long pants for the ease of walking and working. The formerly blue-based wide-sleeve clothes nowhave brighter colors such as pink, yellow,and green. Compared to thehistorical relics, Fengyang Hanfuis both a living heritage and a dynamic symbol of change.


策划 邓国超 张焱

执行 李坤 黄蔚

文字 舒畅

视频 刘义鹏 周尧

整理 韦雨辛

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